5 Ways to Keep Cavities Away in 2018

There are all sorts of New Year’s resolutions you could make. Many people resolve to lose weight, save more money or eat better. One simple resolution you could make for 2018 is to keep your teeth in tip-top shape. Here are some tips to help keep your teeth cavity-free for the year.



1. Brush More


At least 30 percent of Americans don’t brush their teeth enough. The American Dental Association recommends brushing twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. However, it would be even more amazing if you brushed three times a day — once after each meal. If you’re a once-a-day brusher, or even worse, once every other day, make it a habit to get out your toothbrush more frequently in the new year.



2. Use an Electric Toothbrush


A regular old analog brush is absolutely better than nothing, but an electric toothbrush is a splurge that can boost your cavity-fighting capabilities. An electric toothbrush simply cleans your teeth more thoroughly and leaves you with a fresher mouth to face the day. Studies show that they remove 21 percent more plaque than a manual toothbrush. That means less cavities and more confidence in your smile!



3. Rinse With Anticavity Mouthwash


Nowadays, when you go to buy mouthwash, you may feel confused at the sight of a wall of choices that are hard to decipher. Just look for a mouthwash that says “anticavity” on the packaging. This will help your mouth’s biome fight off the bacteria that cause cavities. Most of these products use fluoride as the main cavity-fighting ingredient.


4. Eat Less Sugar


Sugar is perhaps the most talked about cause of cavities. It eats away at your teeth and feeds the bacteria that cause cavities. So it only makes sense that one way to reduce cavities would be to have less sugar in your diet. An easy way to do that is to stop drinking sugary beverages. Soda and juices with added sugar are a quick way to cavities.



5. Always Floss


Cavities are caused in part by those troublesome pieces of food that get stuck in between your teeth. Sometimes you don’t even know they are there. That is why flossing is so important. You should floss every single time you brush your teeth to make sure your teeth have the best chance against cavities.