Tips on Keeping Your Dental Practice Running Efficiently

A lot of factors go into running a dental practice efficiently. From managing the front office, handling, billing and processing new patients to organizing the back office supplies, there’s always something that needs to be done.

Here are a few ways to run your practice more smoothly.



Upgrade Your Scheduling


Are you busier during summer months and near the end of the year after deductibles have been met? Are you packed during lunchtime from 12 to 2 p.m. but slow other times?

Confirm all bookings the day/night before, and consider a quality scheduling system that can optimize booking appointments and send automated reminders. Space routine cleanings and checkups throughout the year to maximize workflows.



Organize Exam Rooms


Keep exam and surgical areas organized:

  • Use mobile trays with tools for each procedure.
  • Lock extra items in cabinets.
  • Organize rooms so that everything you need is within arm’s reach.



Extend or Expand Services


For scaling practices, open a satellite office or take in an associate. Consider a shared space in locations with heavy foot traffic. Stay late one week night and once a month on Saturdays if you’re only open Monday-Friday. When adding an associate, think about specialties that can help your community.



Offer Flexible Payment Options


For patients struggling with dental plans vs. insurance, have multiple payment options:

  • Accept wider payment options. Consider PayPal, Apple Wallet and others.
  • Accept cash, checks and credit cards, and offer financing to help when important dental health care procedures are required.
  • Offer discount dental plans or reduced rate dental plans for families and individuals looking for affordable dental care.



Improve Your Referrals


Set up a referral system to acquire new patients. Give 10 percent off a service or free cleanings with referrals. Hand out referral cards, or include them in emails or newsletter blasts and with mailers.



Optimize Your Inventory


Accurate ordering means less wasted money on supplies you don’t need or outdated products you can’t use:

  • Have one staff member oversee all inventory.
  • Keep medical supplies neatly separate from office supplies.
  • With multiple offices, use inventory software and SKUs instead of outdated paper counts, eliminating human error.


Take Part in Regular Trainings


Professional training, best practices, customer service techniques and career training can optimize your practice.

Ultimately, while upgrading software and expanding your services can take time, having an organized dental practice that runs efficiently will put a smile on your face (and your patients and staff will be happy too!).