4 Simple New Year’s Resolutions for Optimal Oral Health in 2016

Dentalsave Blog | 10 Tooth Brushing Tips

As we put a bow on 2015 the dawn of a new year brings us a time for change, a chance to take stock of the past 365 days and an opportunity to better ourselves by improving our quality of life.

But how many of these New Year’s resolutions actually manage to see the first breath of Spring?

Being that this isn’t a motivational blog post, let’s sink our teeth into some more manageable universally simple New Year’s resolutions to improve our oral health and maybe save some dough while we’re at it.

Here are four simple dental health resolutions that will help us achieve optimal oral health in 2016!

1. Buy a New Toothbrush.

Of course we need to actually use the thing two times a day, for 2 minutes at a clip to actually realize the benefits of optimal oral health.

But do yourself – and those around you a favor – buy a new toothbrush!

The new year is a perfect time to do it, then by Spring you’ll be ready for another, then Fall…and so on…and so on…and so on…

Many dental professionals recommend changing your toothbrush about every three months, and the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you replace your toothbrush approximately every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed.


Is it really that difficult to floss once a day?

Let’s suppose that it truly is a chore to floss our teeth, so rather than going from trench mouth to toothy twine-twirler extraordinaire just because the calendar rolls over another year, start off with some baby steps.

Tackle the flossing task at an incremental pace, just like you will with that exercise program.

Set a goal for daily flossing by summer, start slow and increase as the year progresses.

Begin tickling the tooth twine by flossing two times a week in January, three times a week in February…March will be four times…and so on…and so on…and so on.

By June you’ll have achieved a first-rate flossing regimen your dentist and dental hygienist will be proud of – and you could save yourself from the inflammation infection connection of gum disease!

3. Visit the Dentist At Least Twice this Year.

Most dentists recommend a minimum of 2 visits per year, and more for people exhibiting signs of less than optimal oral health – smokers and gum disease sufferers to name just two.

Regular dental visits help prevent potential future problems from developing – which is another way to actually SAVE MONEY in the long run by avoiding costly future treatment to address problems that could have been dealt with earlier.

But don’t take it from us, see what the ADA has to say on the subject.

Continuity of care is an important part of any health plan and dental health is no exception.

Keeping your mouth healthy is an essential piece of your overall health. 

It’s also important to keep your dentist informed of any changes in your overall health since many medical conditions can affect your oral health too.

4. SMILE More in 2016!

It has been scientifically proven that a simple smile can boost our moods, relieve stress, & even strengthen our immune systems.

If that’s not enough to turn up the corners of your mouth, take a look at these 15 smile facts, and prepare to have your…


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