Dental Horror Stories

dental horror stories

Many people dread going to the dentist. Although the experience is usually quick and painless, there are some dental horror stories that could put you off ever getting another checkup. Instead of avoiding the dentist, learn from these dental horror stories so you can be sure they never happen to you.



1. Overcharging


When you’re in pain, getting a good deal on dental treatment may not be your first priority. However, some dentists have taken overcharging to the extreme. Dr. Edward Bodek charged thousands of dollars of purchases to patients’ credit cards when they came in for a simple cleaning. This scheming dentist cruelly targeted residents of nursing homes and assisted living centers, which may be how he was able to steal $260,000 before being caught.


To avoid your dentist causing a pain in your wallet, get a dental discount plan like DentalSave and save an additional 20-50% off your treatment. Most dentists would never dream of stealing from their patients, but it’s always a good idea to check your credit card statements so you can spot and challenge fraudulent transactions.



2. Fake Dentists


It’s always a good idea to check the accreditation of your dentist. While most people would never try to fraudulently pass themselves off as a medical professional, there have been cases of fake dentists fooling clients. One example is Valbona Yzeiraj, a White Plains office manager who pretended to be a dentist and even pulled teeth without having any relevant qualifications.



3. Painful Procedures


Modern dentistry shouldn’t hurt, but pain can arise when things go wrong. Always ask your dentist about pain relief options and don’t be afraid to speak up if you feel pain during a procedure. Most importantly, don’t let fear of pain make you avoid preventative treatment. Dentist Gary Glassman had to remove maggots from the mouth of one little boy who came in with swollen gums. That’s gotta hurt! Brush, floss, and have regular checkups to prevent a similar thing happening to you.



4. Drug Ring Dentists


Several dentists have been charged with distributing drugs as a sideline to their main dentistry business. From cocaine and heroin to marijuana, drug ring dentists have pushed all kinds of controlled substances. If your dentist offers you much more than cleanings and cavity care, always say no.



Do your research and use common sense to avoid one of these dental horror stories of your own.



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