Foods to Avoid to Keep Your Teeth White

avoid coffee for white teeth

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and visiting your dentist every six months are two of the best ways to keep your teeth white. You can keep your teeth even whiter by being cautious with these five foods.





The enamel that protects your teeth is covered with microscopic pits; unfortunately, these pits make it possible for certain foods and beverages to adhere to the surface. While coffee stands out as one of the biggest offenders, soda and tea can also stain your pearly whites. In fact, any beverage with a dark color can cause stains.


Contrary to what some people believe, adding cream to coffee does not prevent the drink from staining your teeth.


To limit the unwanted effects of coffee, drink it at a single time (such as morning or break time) instead of throughout the day. After you enjoy a cup, brush your teeth to remove the residue.



Potato Chips


Potato chips contain so much starch they can erode your enamel, leaving you more susceptible to cavities and other dental issues.


The brittle consistency of potato chips can also cause chunks to get stuck between your teeth. Flossing after your snack will help prevent stains and other problems.





Blueberries are an extremely healthy food that you should add to your diet. Just a handful of blueberries will give your body a rush of antioxidants, vitamin K, vitamin C and manganese.


Unfortunately, blueberry juice will stain your teeth quickly. That doesn’t mean you should avoid blueberries; just remember to brush your teeth afterward. Brushing will let your body get the nutrition it needs without letting blueberries stain your teeth.



Gummy Vitamins


Most medical professionals recommend taking multivitamins. However, while gummy vitamins seem like a great way to add nutrition to your diet, these products contain a lot of sugar. The rubbery texture also encourages you to chew them for a long time, giving the sugar more time to hurt your teeth.


Keep your teeth white by exchanging your gummy vitamins for pill vitamins.



Tomato Sauce


Tomatoes contain a lot of acid, so they can break down your enamel to create noticeably stained teeth.


You don’t need to eliminate marinara and other tomato-based sauces from your diet, though; eat some lettuce or broccoli as an appetizer. The vegetables create a protective film that will make it harder for the sauce to stain your teeth.


Everyone wants white teeth and confident smiles. You can make your teeth whiter by avoiding the foods mentioned above. If you do choose to consume them, just take care of your teeth afterward to prevent stains and other dental issues.




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