Who Are Root Canal Specialists?



root-canal-specialist-in-new-yorkA root canal specialist, scientifically know as an endodontist, is a dentist who has specialized in the root canal treatment. Like other specialized doctors, they normally take an extra two years course after dentist school to study about the tooth pulp examination, treatment and surgery. Thus, every endodontist is a dentist but not every dentist is an endodontist , why they are called specialists. The root canal consist of the pulp chamber and the channels connecting the canal to the surface of the root. The pulp chamber consists of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues.

The job of root canal specialists.

Often, your teeth may either get cracked, chipped or infected. This leads to a swollen gum, sensitivity to hot and cold and immense pain. At times, the pain might be hard to pinpoint due to the complex tissue connectivity. The root canal specialists will take care of your tooth to stop the pain and protect your tooth from future damage.

When you visit a root canal specialist, they will do an examination to determine the exact problem and its exact location. If infected, a local anesthesia is administered to numb the gum and surrounding tissues. They root canal specialist then proceeds to remove the dead and diseased tissue. The tooth is then disinfected and filed and filled with a rubber like material called gutta-percha and then sealed with a special sealing cement.A permanent crown restoration is then made to restore the tooth shape.

The root canal specialist may administer antibiotics to heal and prevent future infection.

Advantages of using root canal specialists.

  • They are available around the clock.
  • They have immense experience in root canal treatment.
  • Most root canal specialists are conversant with the latest technology in root canal treatment.
  • Freedom from pain.
  • You get to keep the tooth thus a more natural feel in the mouth.


A root canal specialist is of importance to your general dental health. They are highly trained to ensure you get the best care for your dental needs. They ensure you have a healthy smile and reap the best benefits from your interaction with them. If you have a swollen gum or painful tooth, be sure to book an appointment with an endodontist today.



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