How to Spend Less and Save More

grow your savings

Think that new bag or vacation is out of reach? Never seem to have enough money at the end of the month? Whether you are saving for retirement or a car here’s how you can save on a regular basis by spending less and saving more.



Declutter Your Home


One of the first places to look for spare cash is your own home where the average household usually has unwanted items. Start by decluttering one area and work your way around all the closets and shelves looking for items you no longer need or use. Sell suitable items online or have a yard sale. Save the cash you make from the sale.

Cut the Snacking


Eating snacks between meals not only pushes up your caloric intake but costs money. Each time you reach for that candy bar or cookie you could be spending the money on something else or eating less. Do your body a favor by cutting snacks between meals. If you feel a craving, go for a short walk around the block or drink a glass of water instead. After a week count up the money you saved from not buying that bagel between meals or that latte. Save that cash and in a few weeks, it will feel completely normal for you to avoid snacking. There should be a difference in your waistline too.



Buy a Dental Plan


If you hate unexpected bills and want to keep your teeth in tip top condition, invest in a dental plan like DentalSave These schemes are cheap and include check ups and treatments. By having a dental plan, if you need urgent treatment to your teeth, the cost is included within that scheme so you avoid a large bill. Dental plans work out cheaper than paying for appointments and treatments separately.


Review Your Direct Debits


Take a look at your bank statements and review those direct debits you set up a long time ago to pay various subscriptions, bills and membership to organizations. Is money being paid for something you no longer or rarely use? If there is stop the finance agreement and save that money by spending less. You might see opportunities to get a better deal on bills such as broadband, so make a switch. That money you save can go towards something you really need or into a savings account.



Cook from Scratch


Processed foods contain high levels of sugar and salt and are less valuable than a home-cooked meal. Buy the basic ingredients at a grocery store and cook a meal from scratch to save money and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. If you double the portions you’ll find you can freeze some to take out on a day you don’t feel like cooking. You can also make soups very cheaply from vegetable gluts and freeze ahead to save money.



Stop Smoking


If you smoke, you are at risk of developing diseases like cancer and heart problems. Cut the cigarettes and you’ll save several dollars a week from not buying tobacco. You’ll feel healthier, too, and can spend that money on something you really need instead.



Have a Spend-Free Week


Pick a week and don’t spend anything (apart from milk and fresh food). Use up what you have in your store cupboard, discover the frozen meals in your freezer, and take a packed lunch to work. You’ll find you have tidier and well-used grocery cupboards by discovering things you never knew you had and have saved money by not buying more habitually. Take time to walk to work instead of driving if possible. On the weekend, check out a free activity for the family, such as a local museum or walk. You’ll find it becomes a regular habit and you’ll save by avoiding the stores.

Spending less is easier than you think. Start planning your way to saving more today.



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