What To Do In Case of Dental Emergencies

What To Do In Case of Dental Emergencies

Accidents are called so because you never know when it’s going to happen.  When it happens concerning your tooth you should call your dentist as soon as possible.  If your dentist is unable to treat you at such time, they usually have a name of a dentist nearby to help you with your emergency.  This is an excellent reason to always have a name of an alternate dentist on file.  If you are unable to find any dental office open in instances such as the middle of the night then you should visit your local hospital’s emergency room.

The American Dental Association (ADA) provides several excellent advices on what to do in case of dental emergency.  dental emergency

If you knock a tooth off, they recommend that you keep it moist all the time by trying to place it between your cheek and gums if you are on your way to you local dentist.  They also say you can place it in milk or any type of tooth preservation product that has their seal of approval.

To avoid emergencies remember to avoid chewing anything hard that will crack a tooth such as hard candy.  Although convenient, never use your teeth to try to cut things such as thread or plastic.  Always use a mouthguard when playing contact sports  and when you know you have a medical condition that will result in a seizure which sometimes results in teeth grinding and biting of tongue.


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