How Young Is Too Young for Braces?

How Young Is Too Young for Braces

More than 4 million Americans wear braces, the majority of whom are younger than 18 years of age. That number represents roughly a 100 percent increase over the number of people wearing braces just 15 years ago. Braces come in a variety of designs, but all work to realign and close gaps between teeth in order to create a more appealing smile.



How Young Is Too Young for Braces?


If your child has a less-than-perfect smile, you may be wondering just how young is too young for braces and when you should take your child to the orthodontist for an evaluation. The answer is different for every child and every situation. A few issues, such as underbites and crowded or overlapping teeth, are best treated as early as eight or nine years of age. Most other orthodontic issues are best left until the child’s entire mouth of permanent teeth are in place. Since each situation is unique, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends children have an orthodontic evaluation by age seven.



Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment


For jaw issues, such as an underbite, early treatment can help prevent the child’s mouth and teeth from shifting as they attempt to accommodate their misalignment. For crowded and overlapping teeth, early treatment can realign these teeth while they are still malleable and prevent them from setting permanently in undesirable positions. In general, the earlier orthodontic treatment is begun, the less time will be needed to correct the situation.

Cost of Braces


The cost of orthodontic treatment varies considerably. The total cost (without accounting for insurance) averages between $3,000 and $7,000. This number depends on the condition being treated, the length of the treatment, the age of the patient and the type of orthodontics used.


Traditional orthodontic insurance plans will generally cover a portion of the cost of orthodontics, but most have a cap as to how much they will pay per patient in any one calendar year.


DentalSave offers an alternative to traditional dental insurance. DentalSave plans save you as much as 25 percent off of the cost of traditional dental specialists, including orthodontists. Learn more about how DentalSave can help your family save money on orthodontic and other dental treatments.




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