Discount Dental Card – Secrets to Lowering Your Dental Costs

Discount Dental Card – Secrets to Lowering Your Dental Costs


Many people are so accustomed to having dental insurance that they rarely stop to check and see whether there are better ways to handle their dental care. A discount dental card, for example, helps slash costs to a great extent. Here are some secrets that you may not know about these cards.

Many Dentists Prefer Dental Cards Rather Than Insurance

Dealing with insurance companies is a hassle – not just for you but even for your dentist. This is why many dentists prefer discount dental cards and are willing to offer you a discounted rates since they receive payments on the spot and don’t have to run behind insurance companies for payments.

You Save Money If You Have Healthy Teeth

If you have a family of 5, you’d probably be paying at least $1,200 on dental insurance. If your family has healthy teeth, you’d just be getting a couple of cleanings each year for each family member. If you get a discount dental card, however, you pay just around $150 each year plus basic dental care, which is again on discounted rates.

So what if you need more extensive care? Discount dental cards give you access to a wide network of participating dentists who will be more than happy to give you professional services at discounts as much as 50%, depending on the procedure. You don’t have to spend time negotiating on costs while you’re suffering, since all costs are pre-determined.

In summary, compare the services you get with your current dental insurance with a discount dental card and compare costs too. Calculate how much you will save depending on how healthy your family’s teeth are. Discount dental services are the secret to lowering your dental bills, so take advantage of them and reap the benefits, with no waiting period.