Celebrities Who Owe Their Careers to Their Dentist

Some of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood would never have become what they are without help from their dentists. The damage a bad smile — or worse yet, horrible teeth — can do to a Hollywood actor or actress can make or break careers.


These hugely successful Hollywood actors and actresses can attribute a great deal of their success to their incredible smiles – smiles their cosmetic dentist gave them!


1. Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise Smile

Always number one on everyone’s Most Improved Smile list, Tom Cruise is arguably the most successful actor on this list, and he can most certainly attribute a lot of his success to his incredible physique, one-in-a-million eyes and his fantastic smile.


While his looks can be attributed to genetics and individual hard work, his smile can not. Prior to his dental work, Tom’s smile was vulnerable to humor, to say the least.


Now, Tom’s smile is almost perfect – the perfect work of a dentist, that is.



2. Nicolas Cage


Nicole Cage Smile

Academy Award winner and once one of Hollywood’s highest-paid actors, Nicolas Cage was not born with a blessed smile. It’s unlikely his senior superlative was Best Looking. It certainly wasn’t Best Smile.


But, with help from his dentist and a little time with the orthodontist, Nicolas now has one of the finer smiles in Hollywood.


Like Cruise, Cage has his dentist to thank for his charming smile.



3. Demi Moore


Demi Moore Smile

Between being the hottest actress in Hollywood — with respect to what she’s earned per film — and the love of playboy Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore got older. And, while her looks didn’t fail her, her teeth seemed to take a turn for the worse quickly.


With the help of her dentist, Demi Moore whitened her smile and left the discolored and yellow teeth she had bringing her down behind. Once again, Demi is one of the queens of Hollywood and she can thank her dentist for improving a good part of her image.



4. Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman Smile

Morgan Freeman would probably be the best, most famous and most well-liked actor in Hollywood. He’s certainly the most charming.


That might have been the case if his teeth weren’t made of wooden pegs — and at one point they kind of looked like they were — but Freeman decided to improve his smile following Shawshank Redemption and the transformation was extremely beneficial.


Great acting doesn’t always guarantee Hollywood success. A great smile is a much better bet!