Foods That Will Keep Your Mouth Nice And Healthy

Foods That Will Keep Your Mouth Nice And Healthy

Firm or fresh foods such as raw apples, carrots, jicama, and celery help to clean the teeth. They scrub against your teeth scraping some of the plaque that has built up. Not only are they a natural toothbrush, but some are also naturally high in fiber. Chewing also increases saliva production. Remember not to chew on hard food such as hard candy or ice because it might create tiny cracks or fissures on your teeth.

Fresh herbs such as parsley, mint leaves, basil, rosemary and other green garnishes give you a pleasant, fresh breath and discourage oral bacteria from forming in your mouth.

Eating foods that are calcium-rich will help protect the enamel from wear and tear. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are not only a good source of calcium, but they contain vitamin D as well, which promotes healthy bones that hold up your teeth. Yogurt is also known to help combat the production of certain mouth bacterias that produce hydrogen sulfide that emits that nasty smelly odor in your lips.


carrots and celeryWe don’t think of green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, collards, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and bok choy (Chinese cabbage) when looking for good sources of calcium. However, they are. The best part is that not only do they contain calcium but are also an excellent source of phosphorus, which is also needed to protect the enamel.

Green and black tea contains compounds that curb bacteria, thereby preventing them from producing acid that attacks the tooth enamel. Tea also reduces inflammation and the chances of gum disease.

Last but not least, drink plenty of water. We can’t emphasize that enough.  Not only does water help to keep your digestive system healthy and hydrate your skin, but it also contributes to keeping your teeth white. The more water you drink, the fewer bacteria you have in your mouth which means less risk of gum disease, fewer cavities and fresher breath.