How to Get Free Magazines for Your Waiting Room

In today’s on-demand culture, patients who have to spend just a few minutes in your waiting room may get frustrated. Providing free magazines gives them a distraction that helps the time pass quickly at your office. You don’t, however, want to spend a lot of money on magazine subscriptions.


Follow these three tips to get free magazines for your waiting room.



Subscribe to Free Magazines


Some magazines earn money by selling advertising space to companies. The more readers the magazines have, the more they can charge clients for their advertisements.


Mercury Magazines operates on a business model that relies on advertisements instead of subscriptions. Some of the publisher’s magazines you might want to put in your waiting room include:



After you fill out a brief questionnaire, you can receive these and other magazines for free.



Get Free Magazines From Waiting Room Subscription Service


Waiting Room Subscription Service (WWSS) works with several publishers to place the right types of magazines in waiting rooms all over the country.


Visit the company’s website to sign up for free subscriptions. The site also lets you manage which titles you receive. That way, you only get magazines that your patients are interested in reading while they wait.


Also, reach out to smaller publications, such as neighborhood newsletters, to see if they’re interested in placing a few copies in your waiting room.



Talk to Local Publishers


Depending on where your dental office is, you may have access to a local publisher that prints a free newspaper or magazine. If you have a free weekly paper in your area, then you’ve probably seen issues at newsstands and businesses. Contact the company so you can get a few free copies for your waiting room.


If your town has a newspaper that charges a subscription or per-issue price, contact the publisher’s sales manager to see if you can get a free copy each day for your waiting room. If the sales manager seems reluctant, mention how many patients come through your office each day. That amount of exposure is invaluable in today’s struggling newspaper industry, so you might find that you can get free copies, at least on a trial basis.


You don’t have to spend your practice’s money on magazines for the waiting room. As long as you follow these three tips, you’ll have plenty of reading material that will appeal to your patients and create a pleasant waiting room experience.